Mastering Flutter: Essential CLI Commands Every Developer Should Know

I can't find the "flutter gpt" in my extension in VS code. How can I download the extension?

Mastering Layout Control: A Comprehensive Guide to Flutter's SizedBox Widget with Examples

Enhancing Visuals: A Deep Dive into Flutter's ShaderMask Widget with Examples

Mastering Autocomplete: A Comprehensive Guide to Flutter's RawAutoComplete Widget with Examples

Enhancing Accessibility: A Guide to Flutter's Semantics Widget with Examples

Flutter-Crafted Ramadan Planner App for Seamless Planning

ModularUI: Ready-Made, Beautiful Flutter Widgets for Effortless Design

Effortless eCommerce: Ready-to-Use App with Flutter, Firebase, and Stripe Integration

Concurrent Flutter State Management Made Simple

Build Your DIY AirTag using OpenHaystack without the Requirement of an Apple Device

Revolutionary Flutter App: Real-time Mask Detection with TensorFlow Lite

Mastering Dropdowns in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Simplify Management: Flutter-Built Admin Dashboard for Effortless Control

Reviving the Classic: Flutter Brings Tic Tac Toe to Life in a Whole New Way

Socialize with AlumNet: Experience the Power of Flutter in Our Social Media App

Real-time Binance API Updates: Visualize Market Trends with Candlestick Displays in Our App

Revolutionize Clipboard Management on Linux Desktops with Cutting-edge Software

Spread Festive Joy with a Flutter-Built Christmas Quote Generator App

An assortment of advanced Flutter designs, custom animations, and innovative UI elements.

Reactive Dart and Flutter State Management Library

Incorporating "Read More Text" Feature into Your Flutter Applications

Tailored PDF Reader for Music Sheets: Specialized App for Musical Notation Reading

Flutter App for Disposable Email Addresses: Generate Instant Temporary Emails and Manage Messages

Continuous 24/7 Music Streaming with FreeCodeCamp Radio API

Breaking News: Ayyan App Surpasses 100,000 Downloads in Less Than 10 Days, Revolutionizing the Sabarimala Pilgrimage Experience!

A Basic Flutter Application for ThinkPads with Linux Utilizing tpacpi

List Practice of Flutter Weather App

Evaluate the appearance and functionality of your app on a different device

Flutter-Based ToDo App: Easily Add, Edit, and Delete Tasks

Navigating the Flutter Landscape: Do's and Don'ts for Successful Development

"Flame Engine-Powered Fun: Crafting a Straightforward Arcade Game

Flutter Sim TimeTable App: Efficient Scheduling Made Simple

Exploring Dynamic and Interactive Fragment Shaders in Flutter: A Practical Guide

Flutter App-Ready HSV Color Picker for Seamless Design Customization

Flutter Project: Local HighCharts Integration via Webviews and Local JavaScript Files Loading

Enhance Your Gaming Experience with a Cross-Platform, Free Trainers Launcher

Event Creation and Calendar Management Made Easy with a Simple App

Revolutionizing Pilgrimage Safety: Ayyan App Launched by Leopard Tech Labs in Collaboration with Kerala Forest Department

Creating a Game with Fragment Shaders using Flame and Flutter

Android Music Player for Music Aficionados with Offline Support

Quran Companion: A Flutter App for Reading and Listening to the Holy Quran

Advanced Open-Source Editor: A Windows Alternative

Versatile Widget with Customizable Parallax, Zoom, and Fade Effects

Efficient Hive Data Management: CLI Interface for Visualization and Control

Discover Delicious Recipes: Creating the Recipe Rover App with Flutter

Flutter-Powered News App: Stay Informed on the Go!

Exemplifying Flutter's UI Mastery and Animation Prowess: A Stunning App

Effortless, Advanced, and Swift Internationalization for Flutter Apps

Flutter Gradient Widget: Merging Radial Gradients with Blur Effect

Flutter News and Weather App: Stay Informed and Weather-Ready

Resonite: Your Ultimate Contacts App for Android

Flutter-Based News Application with Integrated REST APIs

Streamlined Task Management App Crafted with Flutter for Intuitive Use

Automated Loading Widget Generation Package for Custom Widgets

Cutting-Edge E-Commerce Mobile App Developed Using Flutter

Flutter News Aggregator App: Harnessing the News API for Diverse Source Display

Replicating the Apple Stocks App: A Flutter Clone Project

Navigating with Flutter: Opening the Drawer Programmatically

Top 30 Flutter Interview Questions and Answers (2023)

Is Flutter Worth Learning in 2023? Top 7 Reasons to Learn Flutter

A Flutter application featuring daily news articles

Flutter package that facilitates image upload and management by incorporating an image field into a form.

Flutter-Powered E-Book Store Application

A Music Streaming Android Application

Monetize Your Flutter App: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Google Ads in 2023

Demystifying State Management with Riverpod: A Practical Guide

Streamlined Flutter Bible App for Effortless Bible Reading and Study

Upgrade pub dependencies with a simple Dart command line utility

Flutter and Firebase-Powered Contacts Management Application

A Flutter project featuring responsive, adaptive, and dismissible widgets

A reliable ranking platform for educational institutions

Flutter-built Pets Gallery Application

A mobile application powered by AI, built using the Flutter framework

Multi-platform Task Management Application

Android EdTech Networking App Built with Flutter

Premier Space Education and Entertainment Project Developed with Flutter

Traditional Minesweeper Game Developed Using Flutter

Flutter-Powered Task Scheduler App

BennettHub: A Student-Centric Social Networking Platform for University Communities

A TV News App with Flutter: Free and Open-Source

A mobile app designed to help you find nearby arcade music video games

Top Flutter Tools Every Developer Should Know in 2023

A mobile news reading application built with Flutter

A Bible study application crafted using Flutter

An application for a formula bank with integrated Google AdMob support

Responsive Admin Panel UI with Flutter for Efficient Dashboard Management

Building a WalletConnect QR Scan Project in Flutter with Bloc and GetIt

An App Tailored for Monitoring Laboratory Work and Educational Assignments

Getting Started: Crafting Impressive Animations with Ease – A Beginner's Guide

A basic application that retrieves news articles based on user-specified domains

Cross-Platform Wallabag Client Developed Using Flutter

Flutter-Based Admin Panel for the AlarmApp Project

Adaptable Design in Flutter for All Devices

A Flutter template designed for admin dashboards

A news app constructed using Flutter, fetching news from the NewsAPI organization

An all-inclusive Flutter application that streamlines hotel search and administration

RideShare Car Booking: Your Convenient Solution for Carpooling and Shared Rides

Flutter Version Manager: Empowering Seamless Installations and Upgrades

Video Viewer App with Download & Play: State Management using BLoC and REST API

FlutterFlix: Your All-in-One App to Stream and Download Movies and Series

Visualize Market Data: Discover Elegant OHLC Candlestick and Trade Volume Charts for Flutter

Seamless Gradient Creation: Explore a Flutter Gradient Maker with Drag-and-Drop Controls for Effortless Customization

Seamless Mobile Web Admin: Experience Pay Admin, a Flutter-Powered Solution

Unleashing the Power of Flutter for Geeks: A Comprehensive Guide

Events Made Easy: Streamlined Organization and Effortless Attendee Monitoring

A Flutter-based app for tracking books, built on an open-source platform

FlutterPetAdopt: A Pet Adoption App for Finding Your Furry Companion

Create a Flutter web portfolio inspired by a design on Figma and deploy it on GitHub Pages

Add a touch of interactivity to your Flutter app with a versatile and customizable touch ripple effect widget

Elevate your Flutter code with an enhanced syntax highlighter for improved readability

Design Responsiveness: Create Adaptive Designs for All Screens with the Mu System

Dynamic Facebook Threads App Logo: Custom Paths and Painters Unleash Animation

Replica of Threads Social Media App: Empowering Private Sharing

Flutter-based Replica of Threads with Complete Functionality

What are Flutter Widgets and How Do They Work?

A Light weight Ecommerce application using flutter

Threads: A Closer Look at the Next-Generation Communication App

PawfectMatch: Empowering Users to Discover and Adopt Pets with a Flutter App

Flutter vs React Native: Choosing the Right Cross-Platform Framework

Exploring the Magic of Transparency in Flutter: A Guide with Examples

Introducing Madens: Unlocking a World of Knowledge and Collaboration

A Responsive Dashboard Template UI with Flutter: Streamline Your App Development

Your project requires a newer version of the Kotlin Gradle plugin Error-Solved

How to Utilize the FormField Widget for Complex Form Input in Flutter

Admin app for Quick Shop using in flutter

Checker A Flutter based application which tests personality of the user based upon the choices made by user

Search the Dogecoin network for addresses, transactions and blocks

A Flutter news application that read news from hacker news api

Responsive Instagram Clone made with Flutter and Firebase

A cars marketplace application made with Flutter

Adds a didInitState lifecycle method to stateful widgets

Crop Monitoring Solution made with Flutter

A Flutter Ecommerce Book App made using firebase

An application that allows users to detect the diseases that are on Paddy Leaves

A beautiful smart AI chat app made using flutter and OpenAI GPT Technology

a pure dart library for reading, writing large xml

A proof of concept for a puzzle game made with flutter and firebase

A Spotify UI design which includes many color and item gradients

Flutter responsive dashboard UI

A Flutter app with implementation of a fading transition between audio tracks in a playlist

A Flutter app that provides daily updates on vegetable prices in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

A ChatGPT and Dall-E powered virtual Assistant made with flutter

A Flutter app showing how audio files can be downloaded in chunks

Advanced Scan and shop app built on Flutter that uses machine learning models

A sample command-line application with an entrypoint to download large file

A home automation application made using flutter and dart | flutterforgeeks

A flutter widget which progressively loads large images using Low Quality Image Placeholders

A simple quiz app for weebs made with flutter

A Full Stack Amazon Clone with Admin Panel using Flutter

A Flutter widget that oversizes its child by the given padding

A simple flutter input widget to add @ mentions functionality to your app

Widget to add shortcuts on your Flutter applications

A simple weather app created using Flutter and API from WeatherAPI

Morden UI design of Travel App made with algeria

The UI of Furniture App made using Flutter SDK

16 Best Flutter ChatGPT Full Application

An app that gives you the chance to download any YouTube video

WhatsApp WhatsApp web responsive UI made using flutter

Veggie Seasons app with an adaptive UI

A movie app made in Flutter with clean architecture using BLoC, Hive and the movie db API