Flutter World
Flutter World is an application that serves as a miniature world of Flutter, encompassing cutting-edge features such as a mask detector, fruit detector, and face detector, all powered by TensorFlow Lite for accurate real-time detection. It seamlessly integrates API connectivity, a to-do list with a SQLite database, and advanced functionalities like animations, TextToSpeech, and SpeechToText conversion. The project beautifully demonstrates the synergy between Flutter’s capabilities and TensorFlow models, offering a precise and dynamic object detection experience.
1. TensorFlowLite Integration: Harness the power of TensorFlowLite models for precise and real-time detection of masks, fruits, and faces. This ensures accuracy and efficiency in identifying these elements within images.
2. API Connectivity: Establish seamless connectivity with external APIs, enhancing the app’s capabilities and providing users with up-to-date information or features. This connectivity ensures a dynamic and responsive user experience.
3. SQLite Database for To-Do List: Implement a robust SQLite database to power the to-do list functionality. Users can efficiently manage their tasks, and the app ensures secure and persistent storage of their to-do lists.
4. Advanced TensorFlow Models: Utilize advanced TensorFlow models to achieve precise face detection, fruit identification, and mask detection. These models contribute to the app’s cutting-edge capabilities, ensuring accuracy in real-world scenarios.
5. TextToSpeech and SpeechToText Conversion: Elevate user interaction with integrated TextToSpeech and SpeechToText conversion capabilities. Users can enjoy the convenience of audible content and easily input information through voice commands.
6. Animated User Interface: Enhance the overall user experience with captivating animations. The app’s interface is designed to be not only functional but also visually engaging, providing a delightful experience for users.
7. Customizable Dark Mode: Tailor the app’s appearance to your preference with the option to switch between Dark Mode and the standard mode, ensuring a comfortable and visually pleasing workout experience.
Folder Structure
lib/ |- app/ |- data/local/ |- pages/ |- services/ |- main.dart
Packages Used:
pubspec.yaml/ |- firebase_core |- firebase_auth |- cloud_firestore |- google_sign_in |- flutter_svg |- flutter_secure_storage |- otp_text_field |- get |- get_storage |- flutter_local_notifications |- flutter_native_timezone |- intl |- google_fonts |- date_picker_timeline |- sqflite |- flutter_staggered_animations |- assets_audio_player |- flutter_tts |- workmanager |- flutter_speed_dial |- stop_watch_timer |- camera |- tflite |- google_ml_kit |- image_picker |- transparent_image |- http |- speech_to_text |- highlight_text |- avatar_glow |- feature_discovery
I will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about this approach.
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