A Flutter application featuring daily news articles

Daily News App


Feature Description:

  1. Fetch and Display: Fetch news articles from the NewsAPI Display them in a list with the article title, image, and a short description.
  2. Detail View: On tapping a list item, navigate to a new screen that displays the full content of the article, including the image, title, content, and published date.
  3. State Management: Implement a state management solution of your choice (RiverPod or Bloc) to manage and store the fetched articles.
  4. Error Handling: Implement error handling for network failures or any other possible exceptions.
  5. Pull to Refresh: Implement a pull-to-refresh feature that fetches the latest articles when the user pulls down on the list.
  6. Caching: Cache the fetched articles to provide an offline reading experience.
  7. Search Functionality: Allow users to search for specific articles by keyword.
  8. Theming and UI/UX: Showcase your design and theming skills by styling the app beyond basic widgets.

Supported Platform:

Android, iOS, Web


  • Material design
  • Clean architecture using Business Logic Component
  • Local data caching using hive
  • Network image caching using Cached Network Image
  • Inherited Widget using provider
  • App Routing
  • Repository Pattern
  • Flare animation using Flare Flutter
  • Proper Error Handling
  • Proper Permission Handling
  • Pull to refresh
  • Domain driven design
  • Search using country, category and query
  • Caching search result using hive
  • Using custom fonts
  • Light and Dark theme implementation
  • Beautiful modern UI with animation and sidebar
  • Shimmer if image url is null or empty shimmer

Video Demo



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Detail Page

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About page

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No Internet Dashboard

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Build Requirements



Dev Dependenciescupertino_iconsflutter_svgflutter_zoom_drawerloggingfreezed_annotationjson_annotationblocflutter_blocproviderflare_flutterdiohiveintldartzget_itcached_network_imageflutter_cache_managerpath_providershimmer




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Description of the image

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