Nitrite Database: Flutter's NoSQL Embedded Document Store

Nitrite Database

The NOsql Object (NO2 or Nitrite) database is an open-source NoSQL embedded document store designed to be an ideal solution for desktop, mobile, or small web applications. Nitrite provides both in-memory and file-based persistent storage options, offering a serverless and embedded database solution.

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  1. Embedded and Serverless:
  • Nitrite is designed to be embedded and serverless, making it suitable for applications without the need for a separate database server.
  1. Simple API:
  • The database offers a simple API for ease of use, allowing developers to interact with the database effortlessly.
  1. Document-Oriented:
  • Nitrite is document-oriented, supporting schemaless document collections and object repositories.
  1. Extensible Storage Engines:
  • The database supports extensible storage engines, including the option for the Hive storage engine.
  1. Indexing and Full-Text Search:
  • Nitrite provides indexing and full-text search capabilities to facilitate efficient data retrieval.
  1. Query API:
  • Offers a simple query API, allowing developers to query the database easily.
  1. In-Memory and File-Based Store:
  • Supports both in-memory and file-based persistent storage, providing flexibility in choosing the storage mechanism.
  1. Transaction Support:
  • Nitrite includes transaction support, enabling developers to manage and ensure data consistency during operations.
  1. Schema Migration Support:
  • Provides support for schema migration, allowing for changes in the database schema over time.
  1. Encryption Support:
  • Nitrite supports encryption, enhancing security for stored data.

Overall, Nitrite is a versatile and lightweight NoSQL embedded database solution with a focus on simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration for various application scenarios.

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