Flutter-built Pets Gallery Application

Pets Gallery App


You can download the Pets Gallery App from the following link:

Download Pets Gallery App


Pets Gallery is a mobile application that connects pet owners with pet lovers. It offers features such as user authentication, cloud storage for pet images, the ability to add/update pet listings, and the option to save favorite pets. You can also discover pets available in your area based on your location.


  • Firebase Authentication: Securely sign in and manage your user profile.
  • Firebase Cloud Storage: Easily upload and store images of your pets.
  • Add/Update Pet: Create new pet listings or update existing ones.
  • Add to Favorites: Save your favorite pets for quick access.
  • Nearby Pets: Discover pets available in your area based on your location.

Screenshots (Mobile)

New Project

Screenshots (Tablet)

New Project(2)


To run this app on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/prasadrawas/pets_gallery.git
  2. Navigate to the project folder: cd pets_gallery
  3. Install dependencies: flutter pub get
  4. Run the app: flutter run

Make sure you have Flutter installed on your system before running the app.


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