Replicating the Apple Stocks App: A Flutter Clone Project

Apple Stocks App Clone (Only UI)

This application is a clone of Apple’s Stocks application, written in Flutter. The application contains static data and does not have remote API integration. The purpose of the application is solely to create a fluid native Apple-like experience and provide education to viewers throughout this process.

📸 ScreenShots

Real Apple Stocks AppClone Apple Stocks AppGeneral ViewSnap According to Search Text

Persistent DraggableBottom Sheet And extend Marquee

Click any element on list and open detail sheet

App Animations

  • Searchbar scroll and sliver.
  • There are 2 DraggableScrollableSheet. One is persistent, other is depends on clicking any market on the list.
  • After expanding DraggableScrollableSheet, Stock market prices marquee will be shown on AppBar.
  • BottomNavigationBar has yahoo!finance logo as Apple does.
  • Also BottomNavigationBar is persistent.

Development Information

  • Currently, This app’ purpose is to educate viewers. So some unnecessary design details and Easily achievable UI patterns have been overlooked in app.
  • If you have any question about this app, feel free to get in touch
  • This app uses these AWESOME dependencies;
  • marqueer
  • pull_down_button
  • chart_sparkline


  • This app is distributed under the MIT License.
  • See the LICENSE file for details.

Connect with Me

  • You can connect with me, If you have any specific inquiries or require further information.


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