Mastering Autocomplete: A Comprehensive Guide to Flutter's RawAutoComplete Widget with Examples


In the realm of mobile app development, autocomplete functionality can greatly enhance user experience and streamline data entry tasks. Flutter's RawAutoComplete widget offers a powerful solution for implementing autocomplete functionality in your apps with full control over the user interface. In this blog post, we'll explore the capabilities of the RawAutoComplete widget, discuss its key features, and provide practical examples to demonstrate how to use it in your Flutter apps to create efficient and intuitive autocomplete experiences.

Understanding the RawAutoComplete Widget:

The RawAutoComplete widget in Flutter provides a flexible and customizable solution for implementing autocomplete functionality. Unlike other autocomplete widgets, RawAutoComplete gives developers complete control over the user interface, allowing for custom styling, layout, and behavior. With RawAutoComplete, developers can create highly tailored autocomplete experiences that meet the specific requirements of their apps.

Key Features and Benefits:

Customizable UI: RawAutoComplete allows developers to customize every aspect of the autocomplete UI, including the input field, suggestion list, and selection behavior. This flexibility enables developers to create autocomplete experiences that seamlessly integrate with their app's design language and branding.

Efficient Data Handling: RawAutoComplete efficiently handles large datasets by providing options for asynchronous data loading and filtering. Developers can implement custom logic to fetch and filter suggestions dynamically, ensuring fast and responsive autocomplete functionality even with large datasets.

Keyboard and Gesture Support: RawAutoComplete supports keyboard navigation and gesture-based interactions, allowing users to navigate through suggestions using arrow keys or touch gestures. This enhances usability and accessibility, making autocomplete interactions more intuitive for users.

Programmatic Control: Developers have full programmatic control over the RawAutoComplete widget, allowing for dynamic updates and interactions based on user input or app state changes. This enables developers to implement advanced autocomplete features such as dynamic suggestion loading, input validation, and selection handling.

Practical Examples:

Let's explore some practical examples of how to use the RawAutoComplete widget in Flutter:

Basic Autocomplete Input Field:

  options: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Mango'],
  itemBuilder: (context, item) => ListTile(
    title: Text(item),
  onSelected: (item) {
    // Handle selected item

In this example, we create a basic autocomplete input field with a predefined list of options. As the user types, the RawAutoComplete widget filters the options dynamically and displays matching suggestions in a dropdown list.

Asynchronous Data Loading:

  optionsBuilder: (text) async {
    // Fetch options asynchronously based on input text
    return await fetchOptions(text);
  itemBuilder: (context, item) => ListTile(
    title: Text(item),
  onSelected: (item) {
    // Handle selected item

Here, we use the optionsBuilder callback to asynchronously fetch suggestions based on the user's input text. This allows for efficient handling of large datasets and ensures that autocomplete functionality remains responsive.


Flutter's RawAutoComplete widget offers a powerful and customizable solution for implementing autocomplete functionality in your apps. By providing full control over the autocomplete UI and behavior, developers can create efficient and intuitive autocomplete experiences that enhance user productivity and satisfaction. With the practical examples provided in this blog post, you can easily incorporate the RawAutoComplete widget into your Flutter apps and unlock the benefits of efficient and flexible autocomplete functionality.

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