A Flutter-based app for tracking books, built on an open-source platform


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Openreads is a privacy oriented and open source Android app written in Flutter for keeping tracks of your books.

There are four lists provided so you won't get confused:

  • books you finished,
  • books you are currently reading,
  • books you want to read later,
  • books you didn't finish.

You can use custom tags and filter through them.

A book can be added by:

  • looking it up in the Open Library database,
  • scanning its barcode,
  • adding its details manually.

You can also view some cool statistics!



Font Awesome

Build Process

  1. Clone or download this repository
git clone https://github.com/mateusz-bak/openreads-android.git
cd openreads-android
  1. Sh
  2. Download dependencies
flutter pub get
  1. Sh
  2. Build and install the app on your device
flutter run
  1. Sh



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