A simple weather app created using Flutter and API from WeatherAPI

Weather Application


A simple weather app created using Flutter and Dart and using API from WeatherAPI


  • Searchable location
  • Hourly weather information
  • 3 days weather information

🚀How to Run

  1. Create an account at WeatherAPI.
  2. Then get your API key from https://www.weatherapi.com/my/.
  3. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/soham-dixit/weather-app-flutter.git
  1. Install all the packages by typing
flutter pub get
  1. Navigate to lib/ui/home_page.dart and paste your API key to the apiKey variable
String searchWeatherAPI = 'Paste Your API Key Here';
  1. Run the app using flutter run


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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