I can't find the "flutter gpt" in my extension in VS code. How can I download the extension?

ProKit Flutter: A Highly Sought-After Flutter UI Kit Featuring ChatGPT Integration

Effortlessly Build a Customizable Chatbot Rapidly Using Flutter

Revolutionary Flutter App: Real-time Mask Detection with TensorFlow Lite

Flourish: Flutter App for Plant Display and Sales

Seamless Connection and Sharing: Discover the Chat APK for Flutter

Elevate Your App with Stunning Animated Icons

Flutter Group Chat App with Video Call Support Using Firebase

Flutter-based UI Design for a Messenger App

Delving into the Blur Effect in Flutter

Flutter package for a lightweight chat list

Flutter-Powered Open Source Social Voice Platform

NEU Chat: A Unified Communication Platform for Students

Building a Chat Application with Flutter: Leveraging Bloc, Freezed, and Material 3

A Flutter Chat App with WebRTC-enabled Live Video and Audio Calls

Flutter and Firebase-Powered Chat Application

Flutter Chat App Demonstrating Basic Chat Functionality

Flutter-Based One-to-One Chat App with Firebase Authentication

Cross-Platform Online Chatting App for Android and iOS

Your own personal AI assistant, prepared to respond to your inquiries and engage in meaningful conversations

A Flutter-based dating app inspired by Tinder

Chattie: A Straightforward Chat Application Developed Using Flutter and Dart, Featuring Basic CRUD Functionality

Flutter and Firebase Powered Community Chat Application

"OpenChat: A Social Chat App Powered by Popular Open-Source Packages

Building a Discord Clone with Flutter: Getting Started

TencentChatIntl: A Flutter Internationalization Tool for Apps Utilizing Tencent Cloud Chat

Discover the perfect balance of simplicity and power with our chat app, crafted with Flutter and backed by Firebase

Connecting Communities: Exploring the Power of a Group Chat App Built with Flutter

Introducing ChatView: Enhance Your Flutter Chat Experience

A Flutter Asteroids game using ChatGPT

Application that allow to note quickly some information and auto formate them using AI

A beautiful smart AI chat app made using flutter and OpenAI GPT Technology

ChatGPT ChatGPT prompts app written in flutter

A Flutter application designed to simplify the use of the desktop version of alist

A chat software for the Nostr network

A ChatGPT and Dall-E powered virtual Assistant made with flutter

Global tchat application build with Flutter, Riverpod and Firebase

Build Your Flutter App 10x Faster with FlutterGPT | Flutter Tutorial 2023 | VsCode Extension

Chat A component package developed purely for dart to display chat record lists

A Realtime Chat Application using flutter, Asp.Net Core Web Api, SignalR , WebRTC etc

A Flutter application that allows users to access the capabilities of GPT

A group chat app built using Flutter and Firebase

Chat with a powerful AI bot and generate original images

ChatGPT Enhancement Chrome Extension built using React

A Full-Stack Chat Application with Firebase and Flutter

16 Best Flutter ChatGPT Full Application