is a high-performance, lightweight Flutter chat list package. It can help you quickly create a WeChat-like chat list effect.
OverallLong pressInputtingGIF
Video tutorial.
Getting started
Step 1: Add dependencies
Run in the project root directory:
flutter pub add flutter_im_list
Step 2: Initialize ChatController
@override void initState() { super.initState(); chatController = ChatController( initialMessageList: _messageList, timePellet: 60, scrollController: ScrollController()); }
Step 3: Add ChatList to the layout
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(widget.title), ), body: ChatList( chatController: chatController, )); }
Step 4: Set initialization data
final List<MessageModel> _messageList = [ MessageModel( id: 1, content: "介绍下《ChatGPT + Flutter快速开发多端聊天机器人App》", ownerType: OwnerType.sender, createdAt: 1696142392000, avatar: 'https://o.devio.org/images/o_as/avatar/tx18.jpeg', ownerName: "Jack"), MessageModel( id: 2, content: "当前ChatGPT应用如雨后春笋般应运而生,给移动端开发者也带来了极大的机会。本课程将整合ChatGPT与Flutter高级技术,手把手带你从0到1开发一款可运行在多端的聊天机器人App,帮助你抓住机遇,快速具备AI运用能力,成为移动端领域的AI高手。@https://coding.imooc.com/class/672.html", ownerType: OwnerType.receiver, createdAt: 1696142393000, avatar: 'https://o.devio.org/images/o_as/avatar/tx2.jpeg', ownerName: "ChatGPT"), ];
If not, you can assign _messageList to []。
To learn more see Video tutorial
abstract class IChatController { /// Used to add message in message list. void addMessage(MessageModel message); /// Delete message. void deleteMessage(MessageModel message); /// Function for loading data while pagination. void loadMoreData(List<MessageModel> messageList); }
class ChatController implements IChatController { /// Represents initial message list in chat which can be add by user. final List<MessageModel> initialMessageList; final ScrollController scrollController; ///Provide MessageWidgetBuilder to customize your bubble style. final MessageWidgetBuilder? messageWidgetBuilder; ///creation time group; unit second final int timePellet; List<int> pelletShow = []; ChatController({required this.initialMessageList, required this.scrollController, required this.timePellet, this.messageWidgetBuilder}) { for (var message in initialMessageList.reversed) { inflateMessage(message); } } ...
class ChatList extends StatefulWidget { /// Provides controller for accessing few function for running chat. final ChatController chatController; /// The amount of space by which to inset the children. final EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding; /// Called when the user taps this part of the material. final OnBubbleClick? onBubbleTap; /// Called when the user long-presses on this part of the material. final OnBubbleClick? onBubbleLongPress; /// support text select final HiSelectionArea? hiSelectionArea; const ChatList( {super.key, required this.chatController, this.padding, this.onBubbleTap, this.onBubbleLongPress, this.hiSelectionArea}); @override State<ChatList> createState() => _ChatListState(); }
To learn more see Video tutorial
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Pull requests are welcome. If you want to change the API or do something big it is best to create an issue and discuss it first.