Building a Discord Clone with Flutter: Getting Started


Ultimate production app:

The project aims to clone the Discord social network in order to understand how this type of application could work, using Flutter framework, Express JS, MongoDB, GraphQL and Firebase Storage. This repository is use for educationnal content.

🚧 The project if not finished.

The project is under construction, activly developed, feel free to star the project if you want to support me and be notify to the major update of the construction of this social network. This just the begining be patient!


Onboard PageEmail PageRegister PageProfile Page

Login PageBirthday PageEdit PageStatus Page

💡 Idea

if you want to see in realtime the progression of the evolution of project, follow the link:

Aivailable on:

iOS, MacOS, Android, Web, Linux, Windows.


  • install node js
  • run npm install
  • fill .env value with correct data
  • install MongoDB CLI or GUI and connect to localhost:27017
  • go inside server folder cd server and hit nodemon in order to start the server
  • install flutter engine ->
  • tap command flutter run in client folder




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