Building a Chat Application with Flutter: Leveraging Bloc, Freezed, and Material 3

Messenger App

In some places in the application, I put “TODO”. I did not complete the entire feature. I only added it because it was not explained sufficiently.


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Supported Messages Types

  • Image
  • Text
  • Gif
  • Stickers
  • Fallback
  • Adaptive to add new image type


  • Multi theming based on material 3
  • Generate avatar based on gmail or any other id (image is not supported yet + it’s easy to be implemented)
  • Settings including, theme mode, language, and
  • Send first sticker same as telegram
  • Stickers builder (debug mode only)
  • Image Scaling
  • “Simple pagination”


usersAdd stickerAdd sticker2Discussion starter no stickersDiscussion starterDiscussion starter2Light themeLoginSelect imageSend imageSign up failedSign up light themeSign upSticker altSticker messageStickers dashboardThemeUsers


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Description of the image

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