How to Implement a Shimmer Effect in Flutter: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

How to Pick and Display an Image in Flutter App: A Step-by-Step Guide with App Examples

Modal Bottom Sheet in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Exploring Horizontal Lists in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Flutter-based project for a straightforward Rock Paper Scissors game

A Flutter-based UI for train seat selection, implementing state management with the Provider package for the CRUV technical assignment

A Flutter-based app for tracking books, built on an open-source platform

COVID-19 Contact Tracing with Flutter: Using GNSS Data to Notify Users of Exposure Risk

Exploring Cabin Layouts: A Flutter App for Viewing Cabin Designs

Recreating WhatsApp: A Flutter-based Messaging App Clone

Flutter – Marquee: An Elegant Text Animation Widget for Your Apps

Flutter – Enhancing User Experience with Expansion Tile Card

Elevate Your Flutter UI with the Convex BottomBar

Mastering Flutter Progress Indicators: Circular and Linear Widgets

Discover the perfect balance of simplicity and power with our chat app, crafted with Flutter and backed by Firebase

Enhance your Scrcpy experience on Windows with our user-friendly Flutter-based Simple Scrcpy Manager, now accessible through Command Prompt

Empower your health with our cutting-edge Medical Consultation App built with Flutter

Experience the fun of learning with our interactive Flutter quiz app, where you can test your knowledge with true or false questions

A social media app similar to Twitter, developed with Flutter and integrated with Firebase for storage and functionality.

An app that connects freelancers and employers, built using Flutter and Firebase.

HealthConnect: Empower Users with a Versatile Flutter App for Hospital Appointments

Streamlined Employee Time Tracking and Career Progression Monitoring App with Flutter

Flutter-Powered Amazon Clone: Your Comprehensive Shopping Experience

HydrateX: Flutter-Firebase Combo for Daily Water Tracking

Unleashing Creative Potential: Introducing a Flutter Plugin for Seamless Photo Editing Integration

Unlocking the Power of Voice: Exploring the Benefits of an Audio-Based Social Media App with Flutter

Mastering Layouts in Flutter: Staggered GridView

PawfectMatch: Empowering Users to Discover and Adopt Pets with a Flutter App

How to Make AppBar/Navigation Bar Transparent in Flutter

Flutter-Based Phone Store App: Simplifying Your Shopping Experience

Mastering Splash Screens in Flutter: Creating Memorable First Impressions

A Food Ordering App using SQL Database & Getx

Food Lab A flutter Food App Design

Deliciously Digital: Crafting a Mouthwatering Food App with Flutter

Business Card A simple personal business card application with flutter

A Fully Functional Seat Booking App using Flutter - FindSeat (BLoC + Json API + Unit Test + Firebase Auth)

A Flutter application designed to revolutionize the ticket booking process for football matches

Quotes App Created in Flutter using BLoC and Provider

Flight booking application animation concept created in Flutter

A simple and powerful ToDo List app in Flutter

A Crypto App built for Android and iOS devices using flutter

Responsive Instagram Clone made with Flutter and Firebase

How to use Flutter Web in a Figma Pluigin with example

A Flutter Ecommerce Book App made using firebase

Social Full Stack Social Media Application built with flutter and firebase

Flutter Tutorials

Flutter Crypto App UI with support for dark and light mode

Shopping Flutter Shoe App UI free source code

A flutter app which lets you watch trailers and save movies easily

Flutter Food Delivery App