Social Full Stack Social Media Application built with flutter and firebase

👻 Peeker

Peeker is a social media video feed based application, which allows you to upload videos about yourself, watch and explore videos of other users. It is built with flutter💙 and firebase.


  • Authentication(Email && Password).
  • Display videos with caption.
  • Like Posts.
  • Comment on Posts.
  • Like Comments.
  • Search for users.
  • Follow and unfollow users.
  • Upload videos with caption
  • Compress videos.
  • Generate thumbnail out of video.

📸 ScreenShots




🚀 Installation

After cloning the app, migrate to the apps location on your computer,

  • Run ‘flutter pub get’.
  • run the app.

💡 Requirements

  • An Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows)
  • An IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc)
  • A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter.

Tech Used

Server: Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Firestore

Client: Flutter, GetX

Architecture: MVC

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