DirectGen: A Flutter App Tailored for Extracting Direct Links from Different URLs

Flutter Package for Streamlined Interaction with VisionCraft API for Image Generation

Effortlessly Build a Customizable Chatbot Rapidly Using Flutter

Straightforward Flutter Weather App: Harnessing the Power of Open-Meteo API

Flutter Package: Simplifying JSON to Model Conversion with HTTP API Integration

Real-time Binance API Updates: Visualize Market Trends with Candlestick Displays in Our App

Effortless Flutter Development: Introducing a Lightweight Low-Code Toolkit

Building the Data Model and Retrieving Pokemon Data

Automated Webpage Update Checker Android App

Continuous 24/7 Music Streaming with FreeCodeCamp Radio API

Dart Wrapper for Free Dictionary API

Weather App with Flutter and OpenWeatherMap API: A Straightforward Solution

Exploring the Pokemon API with a Compact Flutter App

Swift Setup Logging Package for Flutter and Dart

Flutter-Powered Real-Time Cryptocurrency Tracker

A convenient tool enabling users to explore a wide array of categorized quotes with ease

Flutter Weather Viewing App

Straightforward Weather App: Built with Flutter and WeatherAPI

Utilizing iOS ScreenTime API with Flutter Plugin

Wholesome Eats: A Flutter App with Clean Architecture, Bloc, and Integration

Flutter-Powered IrTwitch: Elevating Your Streaming Experience

Flutter-Powered Weather App: Your Ultimate Weather Companion

Flutter-Based News Application with Integrated REST APIs

Basic User Interface for Interacting with a Local Ollama API Server

Flutter News Aggregator App: Harnessing the News API for Diverse Source Display

Updating Data on the Internet in Flutter: A Practical Guide

A Flutter application featuring daily news articles

Flutter Movie Search App allows users to search for movies using the OMDB API

A Task Management Application Utilizing APIs and Bloc Pattern

Creating a Flutter User Interface (UI) for a Movie Recommendation Application powered by an API

Creating a Flutter User Interface (UI) for a Movie Recommendation Application powered by an API

Creating a Flutter User Interface (UI) for a Movie Recommendation Application powered by an API

Creating a Flutter User Interface (UI) for a Movie Recommendation Application powered by an API

Creating a Weather App in Flutter with Material 3

A Basic Weather Forecast Application Utilizing the Open Weather Map API

Fetching API Data with Riverpod State Management using StateNotifierProvider

Node.js, Express, and MongoDB-Powered Note Taking Application with Backend APIs

Cross-Platform Wallabag Client Developed Using Flutter

A news app constructed using Flutter, fetching news from the NewsAPI organization

Flutter-powered App for Preferred Locations, Seamlessly Utilizing Google Maps API

Easily integrated with the WooCommerce API, this seamless e-commerce mobile application is developed using the Flutter framework.

Video Viewer App with Download & Play: State Management using BLoC and REST API

MusixMatch Flutter App: A Lyrics Finder with Bloc and Hive Integration

Nextbillion Maps: A Powerful Flutter Plugin for Interactive Mapping

FlutterTubeTunes: Your Ultimate YouTube Music Client

Exquisite Wallpaper App: Discover Stunning Backgrounds from an API

A Simple flutter social application powered with laravel api

A Fully Functional Seat Booking App using Flutter - FindSeat (BLoC + Json API + Unit Test + Firebase Auth)

Flutter GetX Example fetching data from api or call api using http get request

A Flutter news application that read news from hacker news api

Crop Monitoring Solution made with Flutter

A sample Rick and Morty API Flutter App with Provider and shimmer

A Flutter news app that access the NY Times Most Popular Articles API

Currency Conveter App using Online API

A Flutter project using MediaPipe ML models

A Realtime Chat Application using flutter, Asp.Net Core Web Api, SignalR , WebRTC etc

An open-source cross-platform API Client for building and using APIs

A Music app player with flutter and itunes API

Simple weather App created using Flutter and weather API

A simple weather app created using Flutter and API from WeatherAPI

An Ecommerce App using REST API in Flutter

A Flutter application that consumes the Clash Royale API to list cards and show their details

A lightweight package that allows rich text editing as well as providing a simple and intuitive API for data serialization

Weather A simple weather App created using Flutter and API from OpenWeatherMap

Dockerized pacman repository with friendly user interface and public API

A movie app made in Flutter with clean architecture using BLoC, Hive and the movie db API