Flutter Color Generation Task App

Color Generation Task App

This Flutter application changes the background color randomly with an animated effect when you tap anywhere on the screen. It also features functionalities to copy the current color and keep track of the history of the last 10 colors.


  • Random color change: The background color changes randomly with an animated effect when you tap anywhere on the screen.
  • Color copying: You can copy the current background color to the clipboard.
  • Color history: The history of the last 10 color changes is stored. You can view the past colors.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/azizoglu/ColorGenerationTask.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd color-changer-flutter
  3. To install the required dependencies: flutter pub get
  4. To run the application: flutter run


  • When the application is launched, tapping anywhere on the screen will change the background color.
  • You can click the “Copy Color” button to copy the current background color.
  • To view past colors, you can use the “Color History” section.



Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


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