A gender prediction app developed using Flutter

Gender gueser Application

Gender guesser Application built with Flutter.

View Demo View Github

Features and Functionality

  • Navigation:
  • Item Customization:
  • Login/Authentication with Firebase:

Mission and Collaboration

I am committed to maintaining the application's integrity and continuously updating it with the latest information and features. We actively seek user feedback and suggestions to enhance the user experience and address evolving needs.

git clone https://github.com/Thepilli/XXXX.git

Privacy and Data Security

The privacy and security of user data are of utmost importance to us. The application adheres to strict privacy guidelines and industry-standard security measures to ensure the confidentiality and protection of all user information. Personal data is handled in accordance with relevant privacy regulations.

Feedback and Support

I encourage users to provide feedback, report issues, or share suggestions for improvement. For any inquiries, concerns, or technical support, please reach out to our dedicated support team at jiri.pillar@gmail.com.

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