TaskHub: A Task, Notes, and Agenda Management App Inspired by Trello



This project was started during the SUSE hackWeek 2023. For further information see hackweek project page

Why ?

To track tasks and organize agenda, you can use some web app like Trello, or Notion. But you probably will need to subscribe to a plan. And your data … Don’t know where they go. I didn’t find an opensource project that create a kind of app that can be run as a desktop app from our favorite distribution.

App Features

  • Dashboards as home page to get a short list of todo task, with a view on the Calendar and print the local weather, date, etc…
  • Page with list of tasks arranged in a tab “todo”, “In Progress”, “to verify”, “Done”.
  • Have a calendar automatically fill with update of tasks.

App UI

Welcome Page

welcome page

Task Page

Task Page

Agenda Page

Agenda Page

Create Task

Agenda Page


View Github

Description of the image

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