Habit Tracker-Elegant Habit Tracking Application with Dark and Light Mode Support

Flutter Habit Tracker App UI + Backend

Flutter 3.14.0-0.2.pre Null Safety

Beautiful Habit Tracker App with support for both dark and light modes. Created by Martin Gogołowicz. You can find Features and dependencies below!

How the app looks:


Features and dependencies:

  • Dark and Light Mode friendly
  • Responsive design
  • Add new habit
  • Mark as done
  • View in the built-in calendar (with marked days)
  • Edit habit
  • Delete habit
  • Login screen template
  • Hive to store data locally
  • BloC to manage state
  • Multilanguage support (currently English and Polish – easy to add more)
  • Flex color scheme (easy to change colors)
  • GoRouter for navigation
  • Freezed for data models
  • GetIt for dependency injection
  • Easy to edit
  • Null safety

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How to run:

  • Clone this repo
  • Run flutter pub get
  • Run flutter run

Add more languages:

  • Add new language code to supportedLocales in main.dart (for example Locale('pl', ''))
  • Add new file to l10n with name app_LANGUAGE_CODE.arb (for example app_pl.arb)
  • Fill the file with translations (you can copy the content from app_en.arb and translate it)
  • Run flutter pub get

Find bugs or want to improve something?

Feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.

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Description of the image

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