Build Your DIY AirTag using OpenHaystack without the Requirement of an Apple Device

Rain Check: Map-Based App Revealing Rainfall Along Route Between Two Cities

Explore with Ease: Flutter Firebase Tourist Guide UI App

Real-Time Data Fetching App: Flutter Application for Live and Preferred Location Updates

Flutter-Powered Weather App: Your Ultimate Weather Companion

Monitors Important Location Changes on the Device and Activates it Upon Arrival

A Flutter GPS Task Application to Fetch and Display User's Current Location

A Flutter_map Plugin Enabling Widgets to be Displayed Seamlessly on Maps

A Flutter-based dating app inspired by Tinder

A Flutter-based editor for including shops and amenities on OpenStreetMap

Share your location securely with end-to-end encryption, utilizing decentralized servers through the Nostr platform

A Basic Weather Forecast Application Utilizing the Open Weather Map API

Flutter-powered App for Preferred Locations, Seamlessly Utilizing Google Maps API

COVID-19 Contact Tracing with Flutter: Using GNSS Data to Notify Users of Exposure Risk

Nextbillion Maps: A Powerful Flutter Plugin for Interactive Mapping