Replicate Instagram: Building a Social Platform with Flutter and Firebase

Flutter-Powered Locket Clone App: Capture Memories in Style

Flutter App Mimicking Bluesky: Powered by the Bluesky Package and Running on AT Protocol

Flutter-Powered Twitter Replica with Firebase Authentication

Replicating the Apple Stocks App: A Flutter Clone Project

Recreating the FoodPanda App Interface with Flutter

Instagram Replica: Flutter App with Firebase Integration

Replica of Netflix App UI using Flutter

A Flutter-based UI replica of the popular bKash mobile app

A responsive Instagram clone, developed with Flutter, available as both a mobile app and web version

Developing an Instagram clone using Firebase and the Flutter framework

Flutter App Emulating Google Keep: Utilizing Material 3 Design

FlutterEats: A User-Friendly FoodPanda Clone App for Effortless Food Ordering

FoodPanda Driver App Replica: Your Solution for Efficient Food Delivery

Building a Discord Clone with Flutter: Getting Started

A compact Medium clone crafted using the Flutter framework and Django

Recreating WhatsApp: A Flutter-based Messaging App Clone

Pixel Perfect Spotify Clone: Flutter-based Desktop and Web Application with Comprehensive Features

FlutterTok: Immerse yourself in a full-stack TikTok clone, meticulously crafted using Flutter

A social media app similar to Twitter, developed with Flutter and integrated with Firebase for storage and functionality.

Flutter-Powered Amazon Clone: Your Comprehensive Shopping Experience

Replica of Threads Social Media App: Empowering Private Sharing

Flutter-Based Dukaan App Clone: Empowering Local Commerce

Flutter-based Replica of Threads with Complete Functionality

A fully functional Instagram clone with Flutter

Responsive Instagram Clone made with Flutter and Firebase

A Spotify UI design which includes many color and item gradients

Flutter Instagram UI Clone

Instgrame Clone using Flutter

A Full Stack Amazon Clone with Admin Panel using Flutter

Netflix clone build with flutter

A Zoom Clone application using Flutter

WhatsApp Responsive Design Of WhatsAPP UI Clone

Twitter clone using Appwrite authentication and Riverpod

Airbnb UI cloned with Flutter

WhatsApp WhatsApp web responsive UI made using flutter