Continuous 24/7 Music Streaming with FreeCodeCamp Radio API

Scan Android phone for all audio files for playback

Android Music Player for Music Aficionados with Offline Support

Elegant and Feature-Packed Music Player Crafted with Flutter

Quran Companion: A Flutter App for Reading and Listening to the Holy Quran

Building a Simple Application in Flutter

A Music Streaming Android Application

Flutter-Powered Open-Source Music Player Application

FlutterTunes: A Comprehensive Open-Source Music Player

A Flutter Chat App with WebRTC-enabled Live Video and Audio Calls

Full-fledged Flutter Music Player Application

A Flutter-powered voice-based notes application

Crafting a Comprehensive Music Player in Flutter

A Flutter-based Lemmy client

Top Flutter Tools Every Developer Should Know in 2023

A Basic Music Player Developed for Android Platforms

Create a flying-redux Template for Android Studio

Flutter-Built Local Music Player App for Enjoying Device Music

Flutter App for Local Music Streaming: Enjoy Audio Playback from Device Storage

Creating a Flutter audio plugin with the SoLoud library and FFI integration

Unlocking the Power of Voice: Exploring the Benefits of an Audio-Based Social Media App with Flutter

Quotes App Created in Flutter using BLoC and Provider

A Flutter app that fetche interesting cat facts using Hive DB, Freezed, BLoC,Retrofit and Dio

A Flutter app with implementation of a fading transition between audio tracks in a playlist

A Flutter app showing how audio files can be downloaded in chunks

Top 10 Flutter Packages That Every Flutter Developer Should Know