Flutter-powered Pokedex application

Flutter Pokedex

Pokedex app built with Flutter

App preview

HomeNewsPokedexPokedex FABPokedex GenerationPokemon Info - AboutPokemon Info - Base StatsPokemon Info - EvolutionPokemon Info - Base Stats (Expanded)

Video demo



  • Add Flutter to your machine
  • Open this project folder with Terminal/CMD and run flutter packages get
  • Run flutter run to build and run the debug app on your emulator/phone


  • Home
  • Home – Apply Sliver effect in home screen
  • Pokedex
  • Pokedex – FAB
  • Pokedex – Add FAB animation
  • Pokedex – Add grid loading animation
  • Pokedex – Add more Pokemons by balvinderz
  • Pokedex – Add load more
  • Pokemon Info
  • Pokemon Info – About
  • Pokemon Info – Base Stats
  • Pokemon Info – Evolution
  • Pokemon Info – Moves (no design)
  • Pokemon Info – Make tab area expandable
  • Pokemon Info – Add animations
  • Pokemon Info – Add more Pokemons by balvinderz
  • Pokemon Info – Add missing data in About tab
  • Pokemon Info – Add Base Stats data by balvinderz
  • Pokemon Info – Add Evolution data by balvinderz


All the code available under the MIT + Apache 2.0. licenses. See LICENSE.


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