Efficient Battery Indicator: Discover a Customizable Battery Widget for Flutter Apps

based_battery_indicator『 based_battery_indicator – Based Battery Indicator! 』

📚 Introduction

A Based Battery Indicator Widget, Which Helps You Create A Battery Indicator With A iOS-Like Battery Indicator

Inspired by cupertino_battery_indicator

📸 Screenshots


📦 How to use

  • Follow Installing to add based_dock_scaffold to your pubspec.yaml
  • Use it as below:
  status: BasedBatteryStatus(
    value: 80,
    type: BasedBatteryStatusType.error,
  trackHeight: 10.0,
  trackAspectRatio: 2.0,
  curve: Curves.ease,
  duration: const Duration(second: 1),
  • For more information, see the example code at example

⏳ Rate of progress

Done, but it will revise if necessary

📌 Cautions


🧑‍💻 Contributor

🔦 Declaration


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details


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