A Flutter application for generating checks and receipts, incorporating C# and .NET functionalities


A Flutter program to print checks and receipts using, C# and .Net.


  • Localization is initialized for the project but it’s not provided in this release, Whats means specificly in Languages there you could see the trans files but not all the application was developed to be provided with arabic just.

Running the release

NOTE: THIS release is only can run on Windows 10 x64 Bit or later

  • This project is a demo version of the application, C# code source not provided there as it’s not used directly.
  • Themes provided are Light and Dark.
  • The scanning and printing extentions will be provided in the demo release version.

Demo release in our Telegram channel:

You need just to download this resources first and follow the instructions bellow of it:

  • Try the release of the demo Download and extract at any folder. Then when you find the businet executable inside the extracted folder.
  • VC Redist C++ 2022 Just install it, It’s Needed to run the application.
  • MongoDB 2.2.4 Just install it, Mongo Db is used as the main application database.
  • .NET 6.0.9 Runtime Just install it, It’s Needed to run the application scanning and printing service.

Demo Ui Images

  • Businet Cheque Show

Businet Cheque Show

  • Add Cheque – Dark

Add Cheque - Dark

  • Enter Cheque Data – Light

Enter Cheque Data - Light

  • Ornik History – Dark

Ornik History - Dark


View Github

Description of the image

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