Flutter-Based Video Sharing App: Simple and User-Friendly

Project Requirements

A. Home

  • Create home with the “hide/unhide” the bottom navigation menu functionality.
  • Interactions on the side (chat, share, like etc)
  • You should be able to show the post caption with its “view more” and “view less” functionality

B. Menu Bar

C. Comments

  • View comment
  • Reply comment
  • Add emojis

Screenshot Demo

Mobile App ScreenshotMobile App ScreenshotMobile App ScreenshotMobile App Screenshot

Developed Using Flutter Clean Architecture and the following dependencies

  • chewie: ^1.7.1
  • video_player: ^2.8.1
  • cached_network_image: ^3.3.0
  • expandable_text: ^2.3.0
  • emoji_picker_flutter: ^1.6.3

Code Written By: Gemechis Elias


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