A Dart-Powered BMI Calculator Providing Users with an Approximate BMI Status

This Flutter project is a complete app that can be published and designed.

the app contains only 3 screens :

  1. main menu screen:


Nothing much to say other than that it has a logo and a Start button!

  1. data input screen:


Here where the app is mostly codded. I tried to make it as clean as possible by using color patterns and choosing neither bright nor dark colors.

Most of the icons are simply “Material” icons and default text. However, I will be glad to see anyone trying to change the text to something that can fit.

  1. results screen:


This screen is a straightforward one. just a couple of variables are assigned to text widgets and some columns and rows to align everything correctly.

In the end,

this application is a basic one, feel free to contact me on (Twitter: @SWE_Mohammad) for any questions or recommendations.



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